Will - (1602) Ballaugh

Copied from Joyce Oates' Archdeacon Wills 1600-1618 because it was embedded on p342 of a 755 page .pdf document

Scte Marie 1602

Whearas An Carrett wyfe to Donold Mc ylrea depted the 10 of Maye unested, the church havinge intelligence thereof hath constituted her chyldren vz: John and Margerett eni lrea administrators

Supvisors Donolde Mc ylrea and John Mc ylrea, theyr uncles by father and Phillipp Garrett theyr uncle on the mother's syde

To the poore wth the consent of the supvisors ij boz: malte 1 fyrlot wheate and ij muttons

Invent ante sestum Iohannis

pbatum est et solvit ijs vjd

baptiste sub pena xs [10s] ad usum Regine

the invent in this paper before the wyll

The apparell in the invent in the hands of Phillip Karryd praysed to xxxjs iiijd wch apparell he hathe geven unto his iiijor systers, vz: Bahie Essabell Callighoonie and Jonie Karrett who have bond them selves in the penaltie of iijĀ£ to her maties use to geve unto the execut the foresayd xxxjs iiijd when they come to years of discretion viz Bahie halfe of the some vijs, Essabell vijs, Callaighanie xs iiijd and Jonie vijs wch makethe the foresayd some of xxxjs iiijd [previous page:]

A true Inventory of the goods of Annas Garrett deceased due to her ye children when the xxiijth of June anno dommi 1602 & priced as followeth:

In primis six oxen wth the plow & all other implements of husbandry to bee left to the eldest child, att the death of the father Danold Mc Lerea by his own consente, & herto not devyded nor prced

Item half a crop corne att Michallmas in haggard

Item one cow & one steare ........................ xxxjs

Item the third prt of a steare ..................... ijs

Item the third prt of a cow of half a heffer} & dj a bullock .....................................} vs vjd

Item one maire & half a follower .............. xiijs

Item x[10] sheep betwixt yong & old ........ xviijs

Item more one yong maire ..................... xjs

Item one brood goose & ij yonge ones ....

Item dj fether bed wth a boulster .............. vijs

Item on sheet wth three blankets ............. viijs

Item on fledge .................................. viijs

Item dj ij bedstockes ........................... vjd

Item dj a litle coffer ............................ vjd

Item one platter of pewder .................... xijd

Item other Implements of houshold stufe as} crucks cannes dishes etc:} ijs

Item dj grap & grapper ............................ xijd

Item one hoghead one barel an old canvas} & a strond } ijs viijd

Item a sacke & a half ............................... ijs viijd

Item the legilderan[?] pte of a fisheing boat ijs Item one firlet wheat ...vs

Item dj a paire of English nets wthr dj a dripping

Item in money yt was in her purse ......... ixs

Item ij silver spones ..................................

Item dj litle wheell .................................. iijd

Item in jewells ij harts wth one hand one ringe, one troth pick & one stone set in silver remayning in the hands of Danold Mc Lerea, for the children

Note yt Danold Mc Lerea the father hath all the above named goods in his hand & custody

Item more in the hands of Phillip Caret ther uncle for certayne close apparell .................. xxxjs iiijd

Courbes due to the wenche daughter lefte in the father's hands ...................


  1. Dollough
  2. This individual was buried as Ann Cannell, wife of Donald McYlrea, on 10th May 1602
  3. Two children - John & Margaret - still young enough to require supervisors
  4. Speculation: Did husband Donald remarry - Averick Quackin als Cry who died in 1625? I don't think so.... I have assigned Averick to the Ballatersin Donald Mylrea on the basis that Donald had a daughter named Annas who was born about 1600, and who inherited the family lands. If Annas belonged to the Dollough family, she woul have been mentioned in the will of either Donald (1631) or Annas Garrett (1602)
  5. Untangling the Mylrea lines in Ballaugh of those days is next to impossible with a severe lack of documentation, such as wills and parish records. The land records holdd out some hope if the entries hold enough detail

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Last updated: Aug 2022